Proximity Cards


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Proximity Cards

As a recognized leader in the identification industry, ID Badge Center brings you trusted products, quality service, with great values. In addition, we provide you with the industry’s largest array of card products, and technologies to provide the best solution for your needs. If you are looking for cards to open doors, log onto computer networks, use in cashless vending solutions, and/or provide a secure identity solution, ID Badge Center can provide you with a wide array of quality Proximity Cards.


ID Badge Center will assist you when you’re looking to standardize on a “Single Card Solution” that can be used for all applications and locations enterprise-wide.  Equally important, a Single Card Solution without compromising on the security and confidence you deserve in your credential program.

Some of our proximity card selection include, and not limited to the following.

  • ISO Prox II
  • ProxCard II
  • Duo Prox II
  • Smart ISOProx II
  • Crescendo Proximity Cards
  • Corporate 1000

For help selecting the right components for your system contact us at or call 800-729-3722 and talk with our system specialist.

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